David Hester Ministries

Welcome to NetHerbalist...

NetHerbalist is the Holistic Health Ministry of David Hester Ministries.

Please Support Netherbalist and Check out the following:

Herbal Medicine Making Kit

NetHerbalist Book Store

Your Support is Greatly Appreciated - God Bless You!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grey Water Waste System For Your Home

Part of a Holistic Lifestyle is a Simple Lifestyle - one that helps us bring the Kingdom of God into our homes and community. Part of this is to care for our enviroment!

So I have come across the following sad statistic:

"The average U.S. citizen uses 142 liters of drinking quality water each day. Of this amount 50% is flushed down the toilet."

The following is something we can do about this:

Adapt your sink to collect water under the sink in a bucket

Use your discarded sink water to flush your toilet

It really is that easy! As you are doing the above please remember that you are saving lives!

Be sure to visit the link above to get more information on this system.

Also if for some reason the above is to much to keep up with please visit www.envirolet.com and check out there information on Composting Toilets!



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

True Greek Salad

The following is the recipe for a True Greek Salad:

Get a Bowl and add
Chopped Tomato
Red Onion
Kalamata Olives (without pits)

The above will be seasoned with Salt, Pepper, Oregano and Basil. Then toss with Olive Oil.

You can Americanize this Salad by adding Red Lettuce and making your own homemade Salad Dressing.

Here is a Good Dressing for this Salad:

Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Dijon Mustard

Mix the above together to taste.



Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chickweed Spread

If you work in the field of Lawn Care one of your worst enemies is Chickweed. But if you are an Herbalist you are thrilled to find such a valuable food!

Chickweed helps with the bodies ability to absord nutrients. Also is a wonderful Herb for your Lymphatic System and Glandular System.

I learned the following Recipe from the Gallaher Family of www.learningherbs.com


2 Cloves of Peeled Garlic
1 Red Onion
2 Cups of Fresh Chickweed
1 Avacado Peeled and Pitted
1/2 Cup of Toasted Almonds
1/3 Cup of Pitted Kalamata Olives
3 Tablespoons of Mustard Leaves
2 Tablespoons of Miso
1 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper

Blend all of the above in a Blender and then Add 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice and 1/4 Teaspoon of Salt.

Hope you enjoy!



Saturday, June 20, 2009

Herbal Infusions

Basically an Herbal Infusion is a large amount of herb (nettle, oatstraw, comfrey) brewed for a long time.

So here are the directions:

Grab a cup (one ounce) of dried herb lets say nettle
Put dried herb in a quart jar
add boiling water
let sit for 8 to 10 hours




Monday, June 15, 2009

Allergy Remedy

One of the most important things to consider when fighting allergies is your Home Enviroment. Be sure to wash all of you clothing and bedding in allergy free detergent. A Clean Home is a Healthy Home! You could possibly invest in an air purifier.

Also we have to take steps to boost our Immune System so that our bodies can fight the effects of Allergy Symptoms.

Consider going to your Local Health Food Store and purchasing the following:

Echinacea - Immune System Support
Eyebright - congestion in your chest
Ginko Biloba - pressure in the sinuses
Stinging Nettles - breathing problems and sinuses



Sunday, June 14, 2009

One Piece of Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Dark Chocolate is a Health Food! Bet you never thought that you would hear that on a website such as this.

One piece of Chocolate:

Has as much antioxidants as a Vitamin C Tablet
Thins the blood as well as Asprin
Has as may polyphenols as a glass of Red Wine or Green Tea

Guess Chocolate come in a Heart Shaped Box for a reason!



Saturday, June 13, 2009

Premenstrual Bloating Remedy - Dandelion Tea

All of us should Dandelion Tea available to us. It's truly a highly nutritious FOOD!

For the relief of Premenstrual Bloating:

Bring water to a boil

add Dandelion Tea bag or 1/2 once of dried leaf

cover and let steep for 15 minutes



Monday, June 8, 2009

Toothache Remedy - Cloves

Really this should be called something like Kitchen Herbalism since even the Herbs that are considered Culinary Herbs can be medicinal. Bet you never knew that your spice rack could double for your medicine cabinet!


Simply apply ground Clove to the tooth!

Wow is it really that simple? Yes! I bet you even have this on your spice rack!



Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pink Eye Remedy - Chamomile Tea

Herbalism is so simple - Check this out!

So your traveling and your child contracts Pink Eye what can you do?

This is so simple its just amazing!

Anyways make yourself a cup of Chamomile Tea (Most places you would stay have complimentary Chamomile Tea) by having your water come to a boil adding the Chamomile Tea bag place a saucer over the mug and let sit for 15 minutes

allow to cool and then apply to eyes with a cotton ball




Friday, June 5, 2009

Cough Remedy - Garlic & Honey

Well there are many things you could use to remedy a caugh like (elecampane & honey, etc) but my favorite Caugh Remedy is following:

Garlic & Honey

Garlic is not just for vampires anymore!

its really easy (this is what this blog is all about) just grab a clove of Garlic from your stash (all good Herbalist have one) and place it in your press

collect your pressed Garlic in a tablespoon and cover with Honey

you will find this also works if you have a Sore Throat!



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