David Hester Ministries

Welcome to NetHerbalist...

NetHerbalist is the Holistic Health Ministry of David Hester Ministries.

Please Support Netherbalist and Check out the following:

Herbal Medicine Making Kit

NetHerbalist Book Store

Your Support is Greatly Appreciated - God Bless You!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some Great Cancer Fighting Herbs

Garlic - It is recommended that you eat 3 to 5 cloves of garlic a day. More if you feel it necessary!

Chaparral - Will discuss this wonderful herb in an upcomming post!

Red Clover - You can use this herb as a tea, poultice or tincture.

Poke Root - Great herb for fluching toxins out of the lymphatic system.

Echinacea - This herb stimulates the immune system which is crucial if you want to beat cancer!



More Soon to Come!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Herbal Vinegar Tincture for Cold

Get a 1 pint glass jar and fill with the following ingredients:

3 tablespoons of minced garlic

3 tablespoons of of minced onion

3 tablespoons of horseradish

3 tablespoons of mustard seeds

3 tablespoons of peppercorn

3 tablespoons of cayenne chilies

pour apple cider vinegar to fill the jar

cap with a plastic lid

shake daily for 2 weeks

strain the mixture using cheesecloth

add 1/3 cups of honey to preserve your tincture

put in clean bottle no metal lids

label and store in your cupboard



Monday, July 20, 2009

Natural Oven Cleaner


½ cup salt
¼ cup borax
1 box (16 ounces) baking soda
about a cup of water
¾ cup white vinegar
10 drops thyme essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil


Combine the salt, washing soda and baking soda in a bowl
add water to make a paste

remove oven racks

pre-heat oven to 250

turn off oven a spread paste on the oven walls using a sponge

allow to sit for 30 minutes

combine your vinegar and essential oils in a spray bottle and shake well

spray oven walls and wipe clean


and now you should have a clean oven!



Thursday, July 16, 2009

What to do if your filling comes out ...

Not long ago I suggested using ground cloves or clove oil for a toothache but what should you do if your filling comes our?

Simply put I would go to the dentist but a paste of slipery elm powder and water put into the tooth will work wonders till you arrive.



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SuperMarket Herbalism - John Gallagher

In starting this post I would just like to point out that SuperMarket Herbalism has truly captured my desire to make Herbalism Easy! John Gallagher and Son has put together a wonder Ecourse teaching us of the many herbs and there simple preperation that we can find in our local markets. In this course you will learn:

Cold & Flu Tea
Making Tea for Digestion and More
Pink Eye Remedy - this is where I learned the cure to Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Herbal Cough Syrup and Garlic Oil
Herbs for Stress

I hope you will enjoy this series that John Gallagher has put together from Learning Herbs and Herb Mentor

Please Watch SuperMarket Herbalism on YouTube.

NetHerbalist Store